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[Spring] Spring기반 웹 사이트 템플릿 만들기 - 3. Spring Security 리소스 DB 연동 이 내용을 간략하게 저장하자면 configure 메소드내 authorizeRequests의 설정을 DB에 넣어버린다고 보면 될 듯. URL에 설정된 Role정보에 따라 접근을 허가할지 말지를 판단하는 기능을 넣기 위해 FilterSecurityInterceptor 설정을 한다. Egov에서는 메소드나 AOP 정보도 DB에 저장하여 연동할 수 있지만 그 수준은 일반 사용자가 제어할 수 있는 범위는 아니라고 생각하기 때문에 굳이 내 프로젝트에서는 할 이유가 없다고 생각한다. FilterSecurityIntercepter는 SecurityFilterChain중 가장 마지막에 오고 인증이 완료된 뒤 자원에 대한 접근 여부를 판단하게 된다. @Bean public FilterSecurityInterceptor f.. 2018. 1. 23.
[Java] Comparable, Comparator 이것을 포스팅 하는 이유는 이전 포스팅인 Big Sorting에서 막혀서다. int n = 6; String[] unsorted = new String[] {"31415926535897932384626433832795", "1", "3", "10", "3", "5"}; // your code goes here for (int i = 0; i jLen) { target = j; } else if (targetLen == jLen.. 2017. 10. 4.
[Lucky Algorithm] Big Sorting Consider an array of numeric strings, , where each string is a positive number with anywhere from to digits. Sort the array's elements in non-decreasing (i.e., ascending) order of their real-world integer values and print each element of the sorted array on a new line.Input FormatThe first line contains an integer, , denoting the number of strings in . Each of the subsequent lines contains a str.. 2017. 10. 4.
[Lucky Algorithm] Super Reduced String 이제 warmup 끝났으니 랜덤모드로 하려고 했는데.. 랜덤으로 풀기 누르니까 Expert 등급이 떠서... 목차별로 하나씩 풀기로 변경..ㅠㅠ Steve has a string, , consisting of lowercase English alphabetic letters. In one operation, he can delete any pair of adjacent letters with same value. For example, string "aabcc" would become either "aab" or "bcc" after operation.Steve wants to reduce as much as possible. To do this, he will repeat the above operat.. 2017. 10. 4.
[Lucky Algorithm] Time Conversion Given a time in -hour AM/PM format, convert it to military (-hour) time. Note: Midnight is on a -hour clock, and on a -hour clock. Noon is on a -hour clock, and on a -hour clock.Input FormatA single string containing a time in -hour clock format (i.e.: or ), where and .Output FormatConvert and print the given time in -hour format, where . import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*;.. 2017. 10. 4.
[Lucky Algorithm] Birthday Cake Candles Colleen is turning years old! Therefore, she has candles of various heights on her cake, and candle has height . Because the taller candles tower over the shorter ones, Colleen can only blow out the tallest candles.Given the for each individual candle, find and print the number of candles she can successfully blow out.Input FormatThe first line contains a single integer, , denoting the number of.. 2017. 10. 3.